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To find a board-certified family doctor in your area, you may use the search fields below. The online directory uses the city and state provided by each physician as a mailing address and is not necessarily the physician's city and state of practice.

PLEASE NOTE: This search program is not intended for verification purposes. To verify the status of a Diplomate, please use our online Verification system which will require a date of birth and last four digits of the physician's social security number.

Search For a Board-Certified Family Physician

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When you choose a family physician who is certified by the American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM), you can feel confident your physician is committed to a career of lifelong learning, continuous improvement, staying up to date on the latest medical advancements and treatments, and upholding the high standards of professionalism that support the delivery of safe and high-quality care. Board certification is a voluntary credential that exceeds state licensure requirements. This means that in addition to graduating from medical school and obtaining a state medical license, ABFM board-certified family physicians have completed additional years of training at an accredited family medicine residency program and passed the rigorous ABFM board-certification exam. Their commitment extends beyond initial certification. To maintain ABFM board certification, family physicians are required to keep up to date with their clinical knowledge through regular cognitive assessment and participation in continuous professional development, demonstrating they are improving the care they provide, and consistently upholding the professionalism standards and ethics set by their peers.

For additional information about the specialty of Family Medicine and board certification, please visit our Patient page.